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Setting Sustainability Goals

Discover how to set effective sustainability goals for your business by aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This blog post offers a strategic guide, real-world examples, and practical tips on engaging your team and measuring progress. Learn from LEGO’s success story and explore actionable steps to integrate sustainability into your core operations for lasting impact.


Setting the Right Sustainability Goals for Your Business: A Strategic Guide


Foto von Artem Sapegin auf Unsplash


Imagine a world where every business, regardless of size or industry, plays a crucial role in creating a sustainable future. What if your business could be one of those making a real difference, not just by fulfilling corporate social responsibility but by genuinely driving positive change? The reality is, setting the right sustainability goals isn't just a trend—it's a business imperative that aligns with global efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). But how do you ensure that your sustainability goals are not just well-intentioned, but truly impactful? Let's dive in.


The Importance of Aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2015, the United Nations introduced the 2030 Agenda, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) designed to address the world's most pressing challenges, from eradicating poverty to promoting sustainable cities and communities. These goals are a universal call to action for both governments and businesses. For your business, aligning with these SDGs can provide a clear roadmap for setting sustainability goals that contribute to global objectives.

By understanding the SDGs, particularly those that are most relevant to your industry, you can ensure that your sustainability efforts are not only meaningful but also recognized as part of a global movement. This alignment can enhance your brand reputation, attract conscious consumers, and position your company as a leader in sustainable development.


Building a Greener Future One Brick at a Time: LEGO's Journey to Sustainability

LEGO, a company synonymous with creativity and play, has become a powerful example of how businesses can align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to drive positive environmental and social impact. Since the launch of the 2030 Agenda, LEGO has embraced SDGs 4 (Quality Education), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and 13 (Climate Action), making sustainability a cornerstone of its business strategy.

Renewable Energy and Climate Action (SDG 13)

LEGO’s commitment to SDG 13 is evident in its ambitious goal to power all of its operations with 100% renewable energy by 2030. To achieve this, LEGO has invested heavily in renewable energy projects, including the installation of solar panels on its buildings and factories and significant investments in wind power. By 2017, LEGO had already reached a major milestone by balancing its global energy consumption with 100% renewable energy through these investments.

But LEGO didn't stop at merely balancing their energy use. The company continuously explores ways to reduce overall energy consumption across its facilities. By implementing energy-efficient technologies, such as LED lighting and advanced heating and cooling systems, LEGO ensures that its operations are as sustainable as possible, further minimizing its carbon footprint. These efforts reflect LEGO's understanding of the urgent need to combat climate change and its dedication to leading by example in the corporate world.

Promoting Sustainable Consumption (SDG 12)

In line with SDG 12, LEGO has also taken significant steps to promote responsible consumption and production. One of the standout initiatives is the LEGO Replay program, which encourages customers to donate their used LEGO bricks rather than discard them. These bricks are then cleaned, sorted, and repackaged to be donated to children's charities, providing educational play opportunities to underprivileged kids while simultaneously reducing waste.

This recycling initiative, launched in 2015, has made a notable impact by collecting over 72 metric tons of LEGO bricks, equivalent to more than 6 million individual pieces. By reusing these bricks, LEGO has helped reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 11,000 metric tons, demonstrating a tangible commitment to sustainability. This program not only reflects responsible consumption but also fosters a culture of reuse and sustainability among LEGO’s global community of consumers.

Supporting Quality Education (SDG 4)

LEGO’s commitment to SDG 4 is reflected in its numerous educational programs and partnerships. Recognizing the potential of play in learning, LEGO has used its iconic bricks to educate children about sustainability. Through initiatives like the "City made of bricks" project, LEGO collaborated with UN offices and local governments to create educational workshops where children could learn about the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs through play. These workshops were tailored to address specific local challenges, such as disaster management in Ecuador and education for peace in Colombia.

Moreover, LEGO’s community engagement programs, like the LEGO Green Ambassadors, work directly with schools to teach children about environmental conservation and sustainability practices. By empowering the next generation with knowledge and tools to act sustainably, LEGO is helping to build a foundation for a more sustainable future.

A Comprehensive Approach to Sustainability

LEGO’s holistic approach to sustainability is not just about meeting targets; it’s about embedding sustainability into the very fabric of the company. Whether through their commitment to renewable energy, responsible consumption, or quality education, LEGO is a prime example of how aligning with the UN SDGs can create substantial positive impacts while driving business success.

Through these initiatives, LEGO has demonstrated that even in the realm of play, businesses can make serious contributions to global sustainability goals. LEGO’s journey serves as an inspiration for other companies looking to integrate the SDGs into their own business strategies, proving that with creativity, commitment, and community engagement, sustainability is not just achievable—it's essential for a better future


FAQ: How Do I Choose the Right SDGs for My Business?

Q: With 17 SDGs, how do I know which ones are relevant to my business?

A: Start by conducting a materiality assessment to identify which SDGs align with your business operations, values, and stakeholders' interests. Engage with your team and external stakeholders to understand which sustainability issues are most significant. Focus on goals where your business can make the most impact—whether it's SDG 13: Climate Action if you're in manufacturing, or SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth if you're in the service industry.

Q: Can small businesses make a difference in achieving the SDGs?

A: Absolutely! The SDGs are designed to be inclusive, meaning every contribution counts. Small businesses can often be more agile and innovative in their sustainability practices. By focusing on specific goals that align with your core business, even small actions can lead to significant changes.


How to Set Effective and Achievable Sustainability Goals

Once you've identified which UN SDGs align with your business, the next step is setting the right sustainability goals. Here's a practical guide:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Start with the big picture—what do you want to achieve? Whether it's reducing carbon emissions, promoting gender equality (SDG 5), or ensuring sustainable consumption, your objectives should be specific and aligned with the SDGs.

  2. Set SMART Goals: Ensure your sustainability goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, instead of a vague goal like "reduce energy consumption," aim for "reduce energy consumption by 20% within two years by implementing energy-efficient technologies."

  3. Engage Your Team: Sustainability is a team effort. Involve employees from all levels in the goal-setting process to ensure buy-in and foster a culture of sustainability. This could also mean integrating sustainability into employee engagement platforms like eevie, where employees can participate in challenges and track their contributions.

  4. Measure and Report Progress: Regularly track your progress towards your sustainability goals and report this to stakeholders. Transparency is key, and tools like sustainability dashboards or the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards can help you communicate your progress effectively.

  5. Adapt and Evolve: Sustainability is an ongoing journey. As your business grows and as global challenges evolve, your sustainability goals should adapt accordingly. Stay informed about new developments in the UN SDGs and be ready to update your goals to remain relevant.


Photo by DISRUPTIVO on Unsplash


The Role of Employee Engagement in Achieving Sustainability Goals

One of the most overlooked aspects of setting and achieving sustainability goals is employee engagement. How can you expect to meet ambitious sustainability targets if your employees aren’t on board? Engaging your team is crucial, and platforms like eevie make it easier to involve employees in sustainability challenges, track their contributions, and celebrate their successes.

Imagine launching a company-wide sustainability challenge focused on reducing single-use plastics, in line with SDG 14: Life Below Water. Through eevie, employees could track their plastic use, participate in workshops, and share their progress. Such initiatives not only drive sustainability but also strengthen team cohesion and employee morale.


Where to Start: A Checklist for Setting Sustainability Goals

To ensure you’re on the right track, here’s a checklist to guide your goal-setting process:

  • Understand the UN SDGs: Familiarize yourself with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Conduct a Materiality Assessment: Identify which goals are most relevant to your business.

  • Set SMART Goals: Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  • Engage Your Employees: Use platforms like eevie to involve employees in sustainability initiatives.

  • Track and Report: Regularly monitor your progress and communicate it to stakeholders.

  • Be Ready to Adapt: Keep your goals flexible to adapt to new sustainability challenges.


Partner with eevie for Sustainable Success

Ready to take your sustainability goals to the next level? Partner with eevie to engage your employees in sustainability challenges that align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business make a lasting impact on the world.