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Employee Engagement

Discover how to engage your employees in sustainability with proven strategies that drive motivation, reduce carbon footprints, and enhance company culture. Learn from ABN Amro's success story and explore practical tips for integrating sustainability into your mission, using behavioral design, and maintaining ongoing engagement. Partner with eevie to build a climate-friendly work culture.


How to Engage My Employees on Sustainability: The Ultimate Guide to a Greener Workforce


Foto von Emma Dau auf Unsplash


Imagine a workplace where every employee is not only committed to their job but also passionate about making the world a better place. Picture a team that not only meets deadlines but also reduces their carbon footprint, contributes to a circular economy, and champions green initiatives. Sounds like a dream, right? The good news is, it’s not just a dream. Engaging your employees in sustainability is not only possible but can lead to a more motivated, connected, and productive workforce. But how do you get started? Let’s dive in.


Why Employee Engagement in Sustainability Matters

Before diving into the strategies, it’s crucial to understand the importance of engaging your employees in sustainability. As environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria become increasingly significant, companies are under pressure to go beyond rhetoric and integrate sustainability into their operations. Employees, particularly from younger generations, are seeking more than just financial compensation—they want to work for organizations that align with their values and contribute positively to the planet.

Engaging your employees in sustainability initiatives is not just about ticking a box; it’s about creating a sense of purpose that can lead to higher job satisfaction, improved engagement, and a stronger company culture. Companies with engaged employees are more likely to outperform their competitors, attract top talent, and retain employees more effectively.


The Story: ABN Amro’s Sustainable Transformation

Consider the example of ABN Amro, a global Dutch bank committed to aligning its operations with the 1.5°C climate target by 2050. To achieve its ambitious sustainability goals, the bank recognized that involving and mobilizing its employees was essential. In 2021, ABN Amro partnered with eevie to engage employees in climate action, aiming to reduce the bank’s carbon footprint and meet specific sustainability targets.

The initiative started with a focus on reducing data consumption, identified as a significant contributor to the bank’s carbon emissions. ABN Amro launched a Data Challenge, encouraging employees to clean out unnecessary files, reduce cloud storage, and adopt more sustainable data management practices. This challenge not only educated employees about the carbon impact of data but also provided actionable steps to mitigate it.

The results were impressive: employees completed over 12,000 climate actions, leading to a reduction of 555 tonnes of CO2. The success of this initiative spurred the bank to continue engaging employees in further climate habits, such as hybrid work practices and waste reduction. Through these efforts, ABN Amro not only advanced its sustainability goals but also fostered a stronger sense of purpose and engagement among its workforce​.


How to Engage Employees on Sustainability: Practical Strategies

Engaging employees in sustainability doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a set of strategies, enhanced by insights from eevie’s experience in driving successful employee engagement:

1. Integrate Sustainability into the Core Company Mission

Sustainability should be a fundamental part of your company’s mission and values, not an afterthought. Clearly communicate this commitment to your employees and ensure leadership buy-in. Regular updates, town halls, and leadership involvement can reinforce the importance of sustainability across all levels of the organization​​.

2. Use Behavioral Design to Encourage Climate-Friendly Habits

One of the most effective ways to engage employees is through the application of behavioral design principles. Break down climate-friendly behaviors into small, manageable actions that can be easily integrated into daily routines. eevie’s platform, for example, uses science-based behavioral design to help employees form sustainable habits by making these actions obvious, attractive, and rewarding​​.

3. Empower Employees with Knowledge and Tools

Equip your employees with the knowledge and tools they need to make a difference. Offer access to sustainability training, ESG courses, and other educational resources. This not only empowers employees but also makes them feel valued and capable of contributing to the company’s sustainability goals​​.

4. Create Engaging and Competitive Sustainability Challenges

People are naturally competitive, and this can be harnessed to drive sustainability efforts. Organize sustainability challenges that involve teams working together to achieve specific goals. These challenges can be customized to fit your company’s specific needs and can include elements like leaderboards, rewards, and public recognition​​.

5. Measure and Celebrate Success

It’s important to track the success of your sustainability initiatives and celebrate the wins. Use tools like employee engagement surveys and sustainability metrics to gauge progress and impact. Recognize and reward employees who excel in these initiatives, whether through public recognition, incentives, or other forms of acknowledgment​​.

6. Maintain Momentum Through Continuous Engagement

Sustainability isn’t a one-time effort—it requires ongoing engagement. Regular communication, continuous learning opportunities, and frequent feedback loops are essential to keeping sustainability top of mind. Ensure that your leadership remains actively involved and that employees are regularly updated on progress and future goals​​.


Where to Start: Small Steps Lead to Big Changes

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when thinking about sustainability, but remember, every small action counts. Start by introducing simple changes like reducing paper use, promoting recycling, or encouraging remote work to reduce commuting. As your employees become more engaged, you can introduce more ambitious projects like achieving LEED certification for your office or launching comprehensive life cycle assessment initiatives.


The FAQ: Answering Common Questions About Sustainability in the Workplace

Q: What if some employees are not interested in sustainability?

A: Not everyone will be equally passionate about sustainability, and that’s okay. The key is to provide opportunities for those who are interested and educate others on its importance. Over time, as the benefits become apparent, even skeptics may come on board.

Q: How do I measure the success of my sustainability initiatives?

A: Use a combination of employee satisfaction surveys, workplace engagement surveys, and specific sustainability metrics like energy use, waste reduction, or participation rates in green initiatives to track progress.

Q: Can sustainability efforts really make a difference in employee engagement?

A: Absolutely. Numerous studies, including those by Gallup, show that employees who feel their company is committed to a purpose beyond profit are more engaged, motivated, and loyal. Sustainability provides a powerful way to instill that sense of purpose.


How to Sustain Engagement: Keeping the Momentum Going

Maintaining employee engagement in sustainability requires ongoing effort. Here are some tips:

  • Regular Communication: Keep sustainability at the forefront with updates, newsletters, or town halls.

  • Leadership Involvement: Leaders should not only advocate for sustainability but also lead by example.

  • Continuous Learning: Offer ongoing ESG courses and environmental management training to keep employees informed.

  • Feedback Loops: Regularly gather feedback through surveys and be willing to adjust strategies based on input.


Engagement Starts with You: A Question to Reflect On

As you consider your role in driving sustainability at your organization, ask yourself: What small action can I take today that will inspire my team to be more sustainable? Whether it’s initiating a conversation, proposing a new idea, or leading by example, your actions can create a ripple effect that drives lasting change.


Partner with eevie for a Greener Workforce

Ready to take your employee engagement to the next level? eevie offers a comprehensive platform that not only engages your employees in sustainability challenges but also measures their impact and drives real change. By integrating behavioral science with gamification, eevie helps companies build climate-friendly work cultures, reduce emissions, and meet sustainability goals. Connect with us today to learn how we can support your journey toward a more sustainable and engaged workforce.